Dec 21, 2020: Denoix finishes Louisdor Prize on rank 2
Perfect start into the festive season
Dec 10, 2020: Five horses from Fleyenhof "in Frankfurt"
Unusual end to an exceptional (show) year
Aug 24, 2020: How to collect routine in a special season
Vainqueur and Escorial in Elmlohe
Aug 12, 2020: Double triple
Successful in Verden
July 13, 2020: Six competitions with five wins
A great weekend for Fleyenhof riders
July 05, 2020: Next show - Bettenrode
Our barn will be well-presented
June 15, 2020: This season
"Planning" as good as possible
June 8, 2020: Towards "normal"
Competition in Hagen
March 15, 2020: Competing in Dortmund
Escorial for the Grand Prix
Jan 8, 2020: Stallion Presentation at the start of the New Year
Vainqueur in Muenster